Well, is kinda what you say 'guai lan' still I just want to see who can remember without Facebook tells.
Kinda Happy and bit bit disappointed :
-When the clock strike 0000, there Are people who remembered my birthday~ which moved me T.T
-Although you only been beside me for 'like a few min' yet I'm feel happy but You forgot what is TODAY, even our friend who sit next to you wishes me... Guess I'm just stand a normal place in your heart...
-Having lunch with you la, see this don't feel anything. Or you feel something ? Nice conversation by the way.
-Thanks family and friends for all the birthday wishes through SMS, Face-to-Face or posting on my facebook wall (even I hidden my birth date) ~ Very appreciated (>.^)
-Memorable Appearance of Venus (Although I only saw clear sky and having great luck)
-Also, playful 'senior' who kacau me by spam 'Happy birthday happy birthday' and even sing song for me with lively + lovely tuition class, enjoy laugh =D
★愿幻星✖傑尐☆ 上
10.00 PM
6 JUNE 2012
10.00 PM
6 JUNE 2012