In Facebook I post an album named ' The 10 Days ' but actually only 9 .
Here's I write about what I do , when , and how emotional I am in these recent days .
I will use horoscope to represent friend :
Since we will be taking bus at Komtar so I wake up early in the morning so that I will not be late .
But hey ! Guess What ! Even though I live the most far from Komtar , I am the first one to arrive among the group. Surprising that live the nearest does not mean will arrive the earliest. I'm still curious though, why 摩羯 will join us, not that I'm not welcome or anything, but the group is so obvious ' The Couple Trip ' and it's been so long that we not contact. At first I afraid that I could not communicate with 摩羯 but in the end it was I who think too much, 摩羯 still the same, we are able to chat. After we gather, we chat a bit while waiting for the bus to arrive. Then, I only knew that : I forgot to bring towel == but luckily hotel got supply that. In the chat, each of us then know that we actually forgot to bring some needed thing, except for 双子, she bring all her needs.
( well, by the look of her bags, if she forget something I sure laugh at her cause her bags is so HUGE )
On the way to KL, we eat , we drink , we sleep and we chat. Everything normal except that 天蝎 checking phone of 摩羯, 狮子,双子and my phone as well. My phone kinda boring cause there was nothing inside except for the photo of TA which took by my friends. For 狮子&双子, see one means see both already cause couple phone, can direct knows what's inside one another. 摩羯, well normal photo , games..... but lots of flirting message from other girls. But hey, 摩羯 got look, got money and nice person. Who don't want a almost perfect guy.
Reach KL and check in... Eat lunch then ride 处女 car to <The Cure> and <Ikea>
( which both place are link ) . Buy ticket to watch <金童玉女> , after watched feel quite boring.
<Wreck-it-Ralph> is much more better =P oh well, choose and watch show kinda need luck. If is suite you then is fun ; if is not then boring.
We suppose to walk together and look around in both place. But we ended up in pairs because something happened.
Now I going to say 狮子, you are her BF but you don't know that she crying ?!
Me and 天蝎 guess corrected the reason she cry : Homesick
双子 cry whole day after reach KL ( wonder where her tear come from ) , and ya . this is the reason we split up, so that got chance to let them communicate.
The Pairs
狮子/双子 , 天蝎/处女 , Me/摩羯
Don't feel surprise, me and 摩羯 just pretend to be couple. well is okay since we are in a ' totally no body knows us place ' and MAN ! who can withstand the other 2 couple ' love-love mode ' . 摩羯 can play la, we act ' gay ' because want to become the catalyst of new couple 狮子/双子. 天蝎/处女 are fine sample that let them see what couple can do =P
The night,
Here the scary part, 双子 still crying which make all of us worry about her. She should say it out or else don't cry because you must know that we all care about the crying you.
摩羯 objective is to find birthday present for his friend , a girl of our age. Hmm, my acting skill kinda rusty because I ACTUALLY 假戏真作 I jealous about this thing wor !! How come ==
( more detail see next post kinda full now )
After movie, we took taxi back to our hotel and it was wow ! the taxi driver spray 芳香剂 , LOL . and it smell bad ....
Like always, Night in hotel sure play cards ~
狮子 keep let 双子 which make the game unfair ~
摩羯 say don't know play but is the KING of the group 赌神
★愿幻星✖傑尐☆ 上
27 Dec 2012
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